Frequently Asked Questions.
At LUXE LONDON, we have an open questions policy: we encourage you to ask as many questions as needed—whether it's 1 or 1,000—before making a purchase, so you can feel 100% confident in your decision. We believe in addressing all your concerns upfront, rather than leaving you uncertain after buying. We welcome your questions and are happy to help you feel reassured. Please see below for answers to many frequently asked questions. If you have any other inquiries not listed, feel free to email us anytime.
Our products are not authentic, but we offer only the world’s finest perfect 1:1 replicas. Every item is crafted to mirror the original in every detail. We have firmly established ourselves as the leading provider of perfect replicas to date.
We guarantee that this bag is 100% crafted from imported genuine leather, identical to the material used in the original design. We source a wide variety of leathers, depending on the type used by the original brand in the authentic bag.
Yes, if the original product comes with a serial number, all of our replicas will have the serial number printed inside.
The bag comes with a box, an authenticity card, and a booklet (if applicable). Not all brands provide a booklet, so we only include the items that you would expect with the original product.
We only offer the highest quality perfect 1:1 replicas. Each of our items is crafted to original standards, making them the finest replicas available on the market.
Unlike many other sellers, we work directly with our own factory partners to produce these impeccable replicas. We acquire genuine designer items—bags, belts, shoes, wallets, and more—directly from original boutiques, enabling our factories to create perfect 1:1 replicas. The only thing superior to our products is the original itself.
Our close collaboration with these factories ensures that our replicas mirror the originals in every way—feel, appearance, weight, and even scent. In fact, many of our replicas are indistinguishable from the authentic item, even under close inspection. No other website or seller can make such a claim.
Discover more about why we stand head and shoulders above our competitors.
We do not accept PayPal payments from new customers. Please read here to understand why we cannot accept PayPal payments from new customers.
We accept Bitcoin, domestic bank transfers, and Wise. Detailed payment information will be provided on the invoice when you place your order.
Yes, we offer drop-ship and can deliver to any country you specify. Please contact us here for more information.
Yes, what you see is what you get. We guarantee that the product will be identical to the photos on our website. This is LUXE LONDON’s commitment to you.
We offer international shipping to most countries around the world! Shipping is free for both domestic deliveries within the UK and international orders.
Processing takes 1-3 business days, and shipping takes 5-7 business days. We provide tracking numbers so you can check the status of your package online.
After placing your order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Once your order has been processed and is ready to leave our fulfillment center, you will receive another email with shipping information.
You will receive a tracking number to monitor your shipment’s progress. Please use the carrier’s tracking feature to check the status of your package.
99.9% of customers do not need to pay taxes or duties; however, this process is controlled by local authorities and is beyond LUXE LONDON’s control. Each package must go through customs, and processing times may vary. If you are assessed taxes or duties, you will need to pay these to the government to receive your goods. We mark packages as gifts or of low value to avoid customs issues, and this method is 99.99% effective. If you are unsure about potential taxes, please refer to your local import regulations.
If the bag is damaged, defective, or not as ordered, we offer returns or exchanges within 30 days. However, if you simply change your mind about the color or style, we do not offer refunds. We encourage you to contact our customer service to ensure you make the right choice for your preferred style or color before placing your order. We value our customers and believe that repeat customers are far better than one-time buyers who are disappointed, which contributes to our company’s success!
Our bags are over 90% accurate. The main differences you might notice are the hardware weight (which may be 5-10% lighter) or some serial numbers that may be outdated compared to the original products. However, these differences are not visually apparent, and in many cases, our bags are virtually identical to the original. We do not compromise on materials, which is reflected in the quality and reputation of our brand. Given that you save over 90% on the price, we believe these differences are negligible, and most of our customers (many of whom own authentic bags) agree. Additionally, some customers have returned our bags to the original store as authentic (a practice we do not endorse), which further proves the quality.
Our bags come with a 6-month warranty. If you encounter any issues considered to be related to quality or manufacturing, we will be happy to provide repair or replacement services. Please contact our customer service for assistance.
We understand that online transactions, especially for replicas, can be daunting due to potential scams. We handle every customer’s money with the utmost care, which is a key reason for our success. We don’t pressure customers into purchases, and we have plenty of orders already. If you’re unsure about trusting us, that’s okay—we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. If you’re hesitant about a large payment, we suggest starting with a smaller item. Once you experience our quality, you may feel more confident about purchasing more. Remember, shopping with us is a choice, and we want you to feel completely assured before making a purchase.
Yes, once we receive your payment, the factory will produce your order. After the factory completes your order, we will conduct a personal inspection. If the order passes our QC (quality control) check, we will send you quality control photos for your approval or rejection. This process usually takes about 1-3 business days. Shipping takes approximately 5-7 business days after you approve the quality control photos. Please note that these are approximate timeframes. If the items do not pass our quality control, we must return them to the factory for replacement, which may affect the estimated time of arrival. We only send perfect items, so if any issues arise, we might not meet the above ETA. Once you approve the quality control photos, we will proceed with shipping. If you do not approve your order (please provide the reason), we will return it and have the factory produce a new product for you.
Our prices are fixed because we do not compromise on quality. However, if we have any rare promotions, they will be reflected during the automatic checkout process.
All prices are listed in GBP (British Pounds).
We ship from our warehouses in the UK , France ,and Hong Kong.